League Registration

Free Agents

If you do not have a team and don’t want to create your own, then you can sign up as a free agent. It is highly recommended to attend Intramural Sports scrimmages held during the third and forth week of the semester prior to start of the season.

If you sign up as a free agent, it is highly recommended that you actively seek out teams to join through IMLeagues or email imsports@cpp.edu for assistance in finding a team.

Current Intramural Sports Leagues

Sports Offered

The sports offered change from one semester to another, but you can expect sports like:



7v7 Outdoor Soccer


Flag Football


Indoor Soccer

The season is 5 weeks long, with additional playoffs and a championship for those teams that qualified for postseason play.  

Students walking off of a volleyball court


team of boys and girls celebrating together


basketball players jumping at the ball


students hitting a volleyball over a net



Tournaments are free for BRIC members. You can register for tournaments at the ASI Portal.

student playing tennis

Common Questions

The Intramural Sports program strives to provide dynamic recreational and competitive sports activities that reflect the current trend of today’s collegiate recreational sports program. Students, staff, faculty, and alumni, are offered the opportunity to participate in various leagues, tournaments, and outdoor adventures that encompass the diversity of our University community.

Students, Faculty, Staff, Alumni, and University Affiliates (ASI, Foundation, etc.) are all able to participate in Intramural Sports.

Those interested in playing Intramural Sports will need to create an IM Leagues account using their Cal Poly Pomona email address, then join or create a team on the night and time they would like to play. Finally, they will go pay online at https://asiportal.cpp.edu/ or to the front desk at the BRIC and pay their IM All Access fee. 

You can purchase an Intramural All-Access pass for $20 which covers the cost to participate in all intramural sports league offerings. 

Yes! By signing up on IM Leagues, you can create a free agent profile, so Team Captains who are looking for additional players can add you to their roster. If you do not find a team before the season begins, the Intramural Sports office will place you on a team based on your availability.

You may play with one competitive or recreational team, and/or Women’s team and one All-Rec team per sport. For example, if there are 3 sports offered during a quarter, a male participant could potentially participate in 6 leagues during the quarter. 

You can find your team’s schedule on IM Leagues under your home page.

default occurs when a team captain notifies the Intramural Sports Office that their team will not be able to make a scheduled game. Teams that provide notice prior to 10:00 AM of game day will receive a 3.0 sportsmanship. Teams that provide notice between 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM will receive a 2.0 sportsmanship rating. Teams that provide notice after 3:00 PM but at least an hour before game time will receive a 1.0 sportsmanship rating. In addition, teams that default will receive a loss by the forfeit score found in the rules of each individual sport.

forfeit occurs when a team does not have enough members present to start the game at game time. If at least one member of a team is present, the opposing team may decide to wait for the other team to show up. If the time discussed in the rules has passed before the minimum number of players arrives, the game will be forfeited. By forfeiting the game, the team will receive a 0 sportsmanship rating, as well as lose by the forfeit score found in the rules of each individual sport.

At the time of the ejection the Assistant Supervisor on duty should notify you that you have been suspended from all Intramural Sports activities, including being a spectator. The following day you will receive an email explaining the next steps of the ejection process. Finally, in order to be considered eligible you will need to meet with the Intramural Sports Manager. 

If you are interested in a sport that is not currently offered, please contact us at imsports@cpp.edu.

We want to hear your ideas or suggestions!

A protest is an attempt by a player to challenge an interpretation of the rules by an Official. At the time the play in question occurred, the team captain will need to tell the official that he or she would like to protest the last play. All of the information and paperwork will be filled out prior to resuming play. The game will then continue with the interpretation of the rules determined by the official. The Intramural Sports office will then review the situation. If it is determined that the call was incorrect the game will be replayed from the point in which the protest was filed. 

Only interpretations of the rules and player eligibility may be protested. A player may not protest a judgment call by an Official. An example of a judgment call would be pass interference in flag football or traveling in basketball. However, this may be protested if pass interference or traveling is called and the penalty is improperly enforced. 

Teams become eligible for playoffs based upon their record and sportsmanship ratings. The number of teams in the bracket will depend upon the number of teams in the sport and each specific league. In determining rankings, record will be used first, then point differential, and finally head to head, if applicable. 

Each team must maintain at least a 3.0 in sportsmanship in order to be eligible for playoffs. The sportsmanship rating is determined for each team after the game by the Officials. The rating is on a scale from 0-4 with 0 being unacceptable and 4 being outstanding. Sportsmanship does not determine ranking in playoffs, simply if a team will be eligible to go to playoffs or not. 

Please email imsports@cpp.edu if you need an accommodation. Advanced notice of accommodation requests can assist us in providing more effective services.