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  • Woman eating a steak while watching a laptop

    Truth is, social distancing is getting harder and harder each day. It’s even harder for those of us who are unlucky (or lucky, depending on which way you see it!) enough to be separated from our significant others [...]

    by Joy Chew

    Published On: April 28th, 2020
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    We know—you’re stuck at home. You’re anxious and bored. Normally you hate going out to run errands, but right now all you want to do is go out and grocery shop to feed yourself and your family. [...]

    by Joy Chew

    Published On: April 8th, 2020

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  • Photo: Andrea Ludtke via Flickr It is no secret that as college students, all of us here at Cal Poly Pomona (CPP) are aiming toward one general goal: to one day be contributing, self-sufficient [...]

    by Czarina Obieta

    Published On: September 2nd, 2014
  • Photo: Scott Cook/Rollins College via Flickr So you're moving out of your childhood home for the first time and are living with someone you've never met before, freaking out because you don't know how things will [...]

    by Czarina Obieta

    Published On: August 28th, 2014
  • Photo courtesy of As current college students, we all know that picking a major and scheduling classes is just a tiny pixel in the whole picture of post-secondary schooling. We learn just as [...]

    by Czarina Obieta

    Published On: August 20th, 2014
  • Photo from the English Book In Georgia Do you ever just feel completely out of the loop? Recently, I've noticed verbal exchanges that I have had with people that were not properly being communicated [...]

    by The Campus Crop

    Published On: August 14th, 2014
  • Photo Courtesy of If you're anything like me, you constantly find yourself browsing through social media apps, looking at photos of scrumptious dessert places or insta-perfect entrées everywhere on your news feed. That [...]

    by Czarina Obieta

    Published On: August 4th, 2014
  • There's a poster here, in the Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) Marketing, Design and Public Relations office (home to us, ASI writers). It hangs right by the door and says in white block letters, "We believe progress is trusting what you [...]

    by Patricia Guevarra

    Published On: July 23rd, 2014