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  • Portrait of Nicole Stai

    While we’re currently in the middle of the COVID-19 crisis, it is highly recommended for all of us to stay home. Though, what we can do is limited, movies and TV-show binging have always been reliable in keeping us entertained. Now, is [...]

    by Justin Izuhara

    Published On: May 15th, 2020
  • With everyone doing their part to beat COVID-19 by participating in the #StayHome challenge, a variety of trending challenges have appeared on social media. Here’s just a few of our faves! #ToiletPaperChallenge With many people stocking up on supplies [...]

    by Justin Izuhara

    Published On: May 15th, 2020

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  • If you are or have been in a relationship, you know what a pain it is to deal with an angry significant other. Most times, you aren't even sure what you did wrong; suddenly, you're getting [...]

    by Patricia Guevarra

    Published On: November 21st, 2014
  • Whether you have one or not, most of us have an opinion on tattoos. Tattoos in the workplace have always been a controversial topic but recently the topic is receiving more media attention than usual. Through your [...]

    by The Campus Crop

    Published On: November 20th, 2014
  • It's crazy how time flies, isn't it? One day you're in your freshman year of college, sitting in your friend's garage, eating tacos and listening to The Smiths. Then all of a sudden, you're a senior [...]

    by The Campus Crop

    Published On: November 19th, 2014
  • Thanksgiving is a magical day when you can eat whatever you want and no one can say anything about it (right..?). Third serving of mashed potatoes? Bring it! A sixth croissant roll? Keep them coming—you'll work [...]

    by The Campus Crop

    Published On: November 19th, 2014
  • It's an unavoidable, reoccurring theme in our lives: insecurity. in·se·cu·ri·ty ˌinsəˈkyo͝orədē/ noun uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; lack of confidence. "she had a deep sense of insecurity" synonyms: lack of confidence, self doubt, unassertiveness, timidity; There's always that [...]

    by The Campus Crop

    Published On: November 17th, 2014
  • Portrait of Caitlyn-Pierce

    I know you want the D. And by D, I mean Disneyland of course. Planning a trip to the theme park any time soon? Luckily for you, this is the ultimate guide to enjoying your trip [...]

    by Patricia Guevarra

    Published On: November 14th, 2014