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  • Now that summer break is here, how are you spending it? Perhaps you’re spending your time traveling or staying in and catching up on that show you’ve been putting off. Maybe you’re taking a summer course [...]

    by The Campus Crop

    Published On: June 22nd, 2022
  • Are you looking for some LinkedIn profile advice to help you stand out from the crowd, earn more job offers, and beat out the competition? You’ve arrived at the right place! Here at the Campus Crop [...]

    by The Campus Crop

    Published On: June 14th, 2022

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  • With Hollywood’s long-standing issue of lack of representation in, not only, film but television, it’s refreshing when viewers are presented with ideas and storylines that contradict the misconceptions that audiences hold of people of color, whether it [...]

    by Jessica Wang

    Published On: July 26th, 2016
  • We live in a time where our radios are dominated by electronic dance music (EDM). No longer is techno seen as a relic of '90s alt-culture. Instead, we've seen it evolve to become one of the [...]

    by Zara Hurtado

    Published On: July 26th, 2016
  • You've heard it from over peppy students and professors that exhibit more melancholy than an episode of Grey's Anatomy: get involved on campus. But who cares about being involved? Who cares about making a great decision [...]

    by Marco Martinez

    Published On: July 25th, 2016
  • About a month ago, J.K. Rowling released new writing on Pottermore titled “Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,” which explored the origin of the seventeenth-century North American school of magic that featured diverse characters and a [...]

    by Jessica Wang

    Published On: July 22nd, 2016
  • California: nice weather, awesome beaches and of course, traffic. However, despite all the traffic problems, musical artists are often compelled to write about the Golden State. Below are just a few of the songs that have [...]

    by Marco Martinez

    Published On: July 21st, 2016
  • Staying busy during the summer isn't hard to do, but saving your money is. You can either cut down on going out or find awesome, free alternatives that will become your summer staples. Here are a [...]

    by Zara Hurtado

    Published On: July 20th, 2016