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  • students playing an activity outside

    BroncoFusion—Cal Poly Pomona’s highly anticipated annual concert—just unfolded! Over 3,400 students attended the dynamic celebration of new beginnings and unity on August 25. From the name itself, BroncoFusion is a fusion of music, entertainment, and camaraderie, [...]

    by The Campus Crop

    Published On: August 30th, 2023

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  • If you’re looking for the perfect fall day, look no further than a day trip to Oak Glen. Nestled in the San Bernardino mountains and a 58-mile trek from Cal Poly Pomona (CPP), this town with a mere population of [...]

    by Shellyn Liska

    Published On: October 12th, 2017
  • On August 5, 2017, Associated Students Inc. (ASI) Marketing, Design and Public Relations (MDPR) department was awarded a CSUnity Excellence Award in the category of Best Communication & Marketing Campaign for "The Great Idea Swap" poster competition. ASI is known for hosting [...]

    by Stephanie Salazar

    Published On: October 12th, 2017
  • If you’ve never tried your hand at an escape room before, this Halloween season is the perfect time to do so. The objective of escape rooms is simple: you and your friends are placed in a locked room [...]

    by Shellyn Liska

    Published On: October 11th, 2017
  • While some students went on a lavish vacation or crammed for summer quarter midterms, student leaders and professional staff from Orientation Services (OS) and Associated Students Inc. (ASI) were hard at work on campus all summer long with freshmen orientation [...]

    by Shellyn Liska

    Published On: October 3rd, 2017
  • If you're guilty of constantly walking around with red fingers and are ready to take your Hot Cheetos addiction to the next level, this is the list for you. Below you'll find a roundup of some of the best Hot [...]

    by Stephanie Salazar

    Published On: September 29th, 2017
  • The Campus Crop, the official campus blog is the hub for all things Cal Poly Pomona (CPP)—and it’s not just for Associated Students Incorporated (ASI) staff writers—it’s open to the entire student body. We are now [...]

    by The Campus Crop

    Published On: September 29th, 2017