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  • ASI Gala

    Held just days after Valentine's Day, the annual Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) Gala displayed love's many faces — romantic, platonic, self-love, and even musical passion. The ASI Bronco Events and Activities Team (BEAT) crafted an uplifting [...]

    by Phoenix Guevara

    Published On: February 29th, 2024

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  • If you’re anything like me, you have tons of places bookmarked on Yelp and dozens of food photos saved from Instagram. Which do you try first? Will you get to try everything that’s on your list? Is it even [...]

    by Katherine Tong

    Published On: October 11th, 2019
  • Temperatures are dropping, leaves are falling and pumpkins are everywhere. To commemorate the start of a new season, it’s only right to start putting pumpkins out and lighting candles. But a painted pumpkin for $15? Candles [...]

    by Katherine Tong

    Published On: October 3rd, 2019
  • With tons of textbooks, no place to park and a packed schedule, it’s safe to say that school is back in session. Summer vacation is officially over, but some of us probably didn’t even feel like [...]

    by Katherine Tong

    Published On: September 20th, 2019
  • How many times have you avoided asking your crush out on a date because you didn't have the budget to show them a good time? You're not alone! We all know dating can get expensive, but [...]

    by Clarissa Castillo

    Published On: September 18th, 2019
  • Dating in general can be nerve-wracking, time-consuming and just plain old complicated. And if you’re busy with work or school, you’ve probably whined to a friend at some point about how difficult it is to meet [...]

    by Emily Iverson

    Published On: August 6th, 2019
  • It doesn't matter if you’re a coffee snob or caffeine rookie, breaking free of the mega-chains that seemingly monopolize the java industry can be an exciting way to expand your espresso palette. When you support an independent coffee shop, you’re [...]

    by Emily Iverson

    Published On: August 5th, 2019