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  • View from behind Dodger Stadium

    “When the upcoming winter gives way to spring, rest assured, it will be time for Dodger baseball,” were the words said by late great Dodgers broadcaster Vin Scully on his final sign-off. Well, winter has given [...]

    by Nicholas Martinez

    Published On: April 12th, 2024

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  • “Is this really happening? Are you serious?” These were the reoccurring questions from students who were in disbelief as they received emails stating they would be awarded the ASI Basic Needs Scholarship. Out of 750 applicants, [...]

    by Katherine Tong

    Published On: February 16th, 2021
  • Campers weren’t the only ones virtually learning at Kids University (Kids U) this past semester! Alongside 113 registered campers, 33 students from the College of Education and Integrative Studies (CEIS) volunteered as camp leaders. They led various K-8 activities and spent hundreds of hours tutoring K-6 students as part of their fieldwork.  “I was granted the opportunity to provide students [...]

    by Katherine Tong

    Published On: January 15th, 2021
  • Besides being one of the top-ranked public universities in the West, Cal Poly Pomona is home to an excitingly active array of clubs and organizations. It's not uncommon to encounter a student nose-deep in both their [...]

    by Joy Chew

    Published On: January 4th, 2021
  • As we continue to live in a world where COVID-19 is a thing, we begin to realize all the little things we miss doing. With there being not much else to do, we’re sure that you [...]

    by Justin Izuhara

    Published On: May 15th, 2020
  • Portrait of Nicole Stai

    While we’re currently in the middle of the COVID-19 crisis, it is highly recommended for all of us to stay home. Though, what we can do is limited, movies and TV-show binging have always been reliable in keeping us entertained. Now, is [...]

    by Justin Izuhara

    Published On: May 15th, 2020
  • With everyone doing their part to beat COVID-19 by participating in the #StayHome challenge, a variety of trending challenges have appeared on social media. Here’s just a few of our faves! #ToiletPaperChallenge With many people stocking up on supplies [...]

    by Justin Izuhara

    Published On: May 15th, 2020