
In this modern age of social media, text messaging and video calls, it is so easy to keep in touch with your friends and family from back home. But between meeting new people and being exposed to all sorts of fresh experiences that you don’t want to miss out on, you don’t always have time or may simply forget.

Whether you’re a first year or not, this is normal, but you can find a balance. Here are a few tips from this seasoned pro.

Call your folks once a week

If you were anything like me when I started college, you might have promised to call your mom and pops every day during U-Hour while they’re on their lunch break. Of course, that was rarely ever the case. Try to call at least once a week and tell them how you did on that midterm. Keep in mind that parents aren’t always on Facebook or Twitter to see your status updates, so it’s important to make the extra effort in contacting them so they know you are surviving college life.

Video chat with your siblings or best friends
Between classes, homework and extracurricular commitments, your schedules probably never align with your siblings or best friends. But you can still swap college adventure stories if you plan it right! Dedicate a Saturday or Sunday night for a Skype session once a month to show off your newly decorated dorm room or tell them about your new crush in your Econ class.

Plan reunion dinners with your former classmates
It doesn’t have to be a big shin-dig with all your friends; you can meet with them individually when you’re in town. It’ll do you some good to converse and bond with your friends in person. You can do the same for college friends you don’t see on a regular basis.

These catch-up sessions don’t always have to be planned or organized either. Keep message threads going with your high school BFFs. My best friends and I don’t talk every day, but when we do, we pick up right where we left off.

Each relationship is different and what works for me and my friends might not work for you and your friends, but be open and give these a try!


If you have unique KIT stories of your own, let us know on social media by using #CampusCrop. You can find ASI on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. (link to each)