If you are or have been in a relationship, you know what a pain it is to deal with an angry significant other. Most times, you aren’t even sure what you did wrong; suddenly, you’re getting the cold shoulder, you’re seeing subtweets that suspiciously sound like they’re about you, and you’re getting text messages like these.

Don’t sweat that “k” text; here are a few reasons why they may be mad at you!

You’re not texting back.
Amy Poehler says, "I need you to text me every 30 seconds saying that everything is going to be okay."
It’s all great and peachy until you take more than five hours to text back without explanation. Did your phone spontaneously combust? Did you accidentally drop your phone down the sewer while walking down the street? Were you suddenly called upon to save the world and mankind as we know it? No? Then you’re probably capable of a quick “BRB.”

You didn’t notice their new cut, outfit, etc.
A man screams, "Pay attention to me!"
It may not be a big deal to everyone, but sometimes, a little change matters more than what others may think. Whether it’s a new hair cut or style, new clothes, a new cologne/perfume or whatever else it is, your significant other is probably expecting you to notice. Sure, they made this change for themselves, but ultimately, as their partner in crime (P.I.C.), you should probably pay a little attention to what’s going on. They’ll appreciate how observant you are!

You’re being a tad bit clingy.
A small girl hugs a small boy and says, "I like you." The boy pushes the girl away and says, "Go away!"
We all need a little me-time every now and then, and we should all respect that. Our worlds can’t completely revolve around another human being, and your other-half needs time for school, work, friends, family and of course, him or herself. You shouldn’t expect to have all of their time, as they shouldn’t expect to have all of yours. It’s a tricky thing trying to balance it all out, but no me-time will drive the both of you crazy.

You posted a picture they don’t look good in.
Jimmy Fallon, Seth Rogan and Zac Efron in drag take a selfie together.
Whether it’s on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other social media platform, you both have mutual friends and followers who are going to see that horrid picture you posted. Maybe you thought you both looked good, but sometimes that isn’t the case for your significant other. We weren’t raised in the jungle—please ask for permission before posting all selfies. Thanks.

You won’t stop talking about your past.
Lauren Conrad says, "I don't wanna talk about him anymore, I don't wanna hear about him."
No. Please no. No more. Just don’t do it. Not only will talking about an ex make your significant other doubt where your feelings are, but it’ll also make him or her feel like complete crap. They’ll wonder what they’re doing wrong that your ex did right. They’ll wonder if you ever have thoughts about returning to your ex. They’ll hate you. Okay maybe not, but don’t do it. Resist the temptation.

There is a multitude of reasons why your boyfriend or girlfriend may be mad at you, but at the end of the day, all that really matters is that you have each other; that’s a blessing in itself! Communicate, be considerate and always act with good intentions and you won’t have a problem!

Does your significant other ever like to push your buttons? Tell us all about it using the hashtag, #CampusCropChat on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!